Calystegia is a sort long-term grassy lianas from the family of Convolvulaceae. Containing about 19 types (there are sources reporting about 25). They are widespread in zones with a temperate humid climate on all continents of the planet. The plant can be used as the decorative blossoming. The logic of the description recommends to make some preliminary remarks here:
1) Brockhaus and Efron's encyclopedic dictionary in volume XXIV (semi-volume 47, 1898 year) testified that many curling and clinging plants: barvinok, bindweed, dereza, honeysuckle, an ivy and etc. were called as the Russian word as "peahen" (from a small letter). Now it is used in scientific use as a full synonym of the term of and written from capital letter;
2) A bindweed (from capital letter) in scientific use — the sort Convolvulus from the same family. And long since the word "bindweed" (from a small letter) served as a nickname for Povoya in the people intaking. Calystegia sepium, or Convolvulus sepium is the most known plant from this family. The Calystegia white branchy rhizome underground actively "creeps away".