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Gypsophila is a sort of plants from the family of Caryophyllaceae, numbering more than 100 types. These are the annual and perennial grassy plants growing in Eurasia, Australia, New Zealand and in the northeast of Africa. The name comes from the Greek words "gypsos" that is translated as "plaster", and "philos" – "friend". The name is often translated from Latin as "the loving lime" or "on friendly terms with lime" as many types of Gypsophilia grow generally on limestones. Also in the people such names of this plant as "breath of the child" and "tumbleweed" are known. Gypsophila has a powerful rod root and branchy, naked, almost leafless, upright or open stalk 20-50 cm high. There are also semi-shrubby types which can grow to 120 cm. Leaves simple, small, integral, lanceolate, elongated and oval or lopatchaty, sometimes the linear
