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Hosta is a sort of perennial grassy plants from the family of Asparagaceae, "christened" in honor of Nikolaus Thomas Khosta (1761 — 1834) at his life (in the 1812th). It was the Austrian botanist, the personal doctor of the emperor Franz I, and the most important — the colleague of "baptist", other Austrian botanist Leopold Trattinnik (1764 — 1849). The described sort is a representative ot the family of Liliaceae, and till 1905 within almost century called Funkiya (Funkia) because the German druggist, the druggist and botanist Heinrich Christian Funk (1771 — 1839), who was engaged in systematization and was familiar with the "correct" people.


A 1-A-Day Delight A B-1 Bomber A Big Splash A Blue Streak A Burgh Thing A Dog of Flanders A Lady in Blue A Many-splendored Thing A Very Good Boy Aachen Aardvark Abana Abba Alive Abba Aloft Abba at Large Abba Blue Plus Abba Dabba Do Abba Diane Reeck Abba Double Header Abba Fit Abba Flower Mound Abba Fragrant Backscratcher Abba Fragrant Cloud Abba Irresistible Abba Little Showoff Abba Nova Abba Ready Abba Rough Abba Soul Mate Abba Spellbinder Abba Tops Abba Windows Abbey Pond Cascades Abby Abiqua Ambrosia Abiqua Ariel Abiqua Aries Abiqua Big Sky Abiqua Blue Crinkles Abiqua Blue Edger Abiqua Blue Hearts Abiqua Blue Jay Abiqua Blue Madonna Abiqua Blue Shield Abiqua Delight Abiqua Drinking Gourd Abiqua Elephant Ears Abiqua Gold Shield Abiqua Ground Cover Abiqua Hallucination Abiqua Jim Dandy Abiqua Kaleidoscope Abiqua Miniature Abiqua Moonbeam Abiqua Pagoda Abiqua Parasol Abiqua Recluse Abiqua Trumpet Abiqua Zodiac Abraham Lincoln Academy Ametrine Academy Another Academy Aureate Piffle Academy Blue Funnel Academy Blue Titan Academy Blushing Chartreuse Academy Blushing Recluse Academy Bonfire Glade Academy Brobdingnagian Viridity Academy Celeborn Academy Chetwood Academy Cockcrow Academy Cratered Blue Academy Devon Moor Academy Dimholt Academy Fangorn Forest Academy Faux Sedge Academy Fickle Fellow Academy Fire Academy Flaxen Spades Academy Flora Academy Galadriel Academy Gilded Dawn Academy Glowing Embers Academy Gold Codswallop Academy Golden Papoose Academy Grass Clippings Academy Grins Academy Isengard Academy Kakistocracy Academy Lemon Knoll Academy Little Prother Academy Lothlorien Academy Mallorn Academy Mavrodaphne Academy Mirkwood Academy Muse Academy Nazgul