
Paeonia is a sort combining perennial grassy plants and leaf-losing bushes (so-called Peony treelike). It is carried by botanists to the family of Paeoniaceae, and is the only thing in it. Totally, there are 4 subsorts, 6 sections, 32 look. Grassy Peonies are widespread much more strongly (now there are over 4 and a half thousand grades). Among them the most known, perhaps, should recognize the Peony medicinal (Paeonia officinalis). There is worthy trust an opinion: the word "Pean" — a name of an Ancient Greek deity (options of record and a pronunciation is the cornerstone of the Latin name of a sort, which task was to avert the evil. Homer (in the Song of the Fifth) mentioned in "Illiada" Peana as the Aesculapian of the Olympic gods who cured Aydes (Aida) and Arey (Ares's) wounds twice.