
Raspberry prefers a solar place. The main requirement for Raspberry cultivation is a security from the violent winds. Before winter coming it is recommended to bend raspberry down to the earth, and under a thick snow layer the probability to freeze slightly will decrease. The soil has to be rich with organic substances. Poor (stony, sandy or cretaceous) it is necessary to flavor annually with the mix, in abundance containing a humus. Admissible level of ground waters — no more than 1 meter from a surface (it is better 1,5). It is absolutely undesirable that in the spring of the bottom of bushes flooded (even at short-term "flood" roots lose breath and perish). It is necessary to find "golden mean" between the degree of moisture content of a substratum (its ability to hold moisture) and the quality of a drainage (the bad drainage isn't pleasant to this plant). Perhaps, it is required regularly and without stinting to water.