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Samand Gilson
7 летл. назад

Easy ways to get rid of wasps and hornets

Before I begin this, wasps are the evil-looking-alien-like creatures. Bees are the chubby, bumble-like, fuzzy guys that are pretty necessary to many things in our daily lives, but you probably already know this and I’ll get on with it.
My first tip to you is simply making sure there is nothing outside of your house drawing them in, something like a hummingbird feeder or spoiled high-sugar foods that have been left outside.

If you’ve cleaned up around the yard, and still haven’t figured out a way to get rid of them, try this next tip! Wasps are very territorial, if they feel at all threatened by another hive, they’ll move on and look for somewhere else to go. A DIY nest is super easy to make, all you need is a paper grocery bag and some twine. Crumble the bag up and hang it somewhere high for the wasps to see!
Or, you could try a method I’ve seen used around the neighborhood from time to time, fill a plastic baggie with water and drop a penny in it. Hang it near your front door, and those pesky wasps will be deterred by the baggies very existence.

My next tip is a simple one, attack them at night if you’re trying to rid them. During the day they are hard at work and will attack. If you are wish to spray the nest, attach a hose-end sprayer to your garden hose and fill it with dish soap and water. Stand back! It’ll kill the wasps without harming any nearby plants. Lastly, if the wasp nest is underground, find the entrance the wasps are using and cover it with something like a bowl or brick.
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