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Vivian Gallagher
7 летл. назад

What to do in the garden in april

In the garden
1. Trim lavender and other silver-leaved plants, eg santolina and curry plant (Helichrysum italicum)
2. Check lilies daily for lily beetles and pick them off
3. Boost shrubs in containers with a top-up of fresh compost
4. Start patrolling for slugs and snails
5. Clean out an overcrowded pond and divide water lilies

In the greenhouse
1. Order biological controls for greenhouse pests
2. Move young plants from the greenhouse into coldframes to free up space
3. Sow tender crops in a heated propagator
4. Pot on outdoor tomatoes
5. Sow tender annual climbers

On the allotment/vegetable garden
1. Sow leeks and Florence fennel outside
2. Erect supports for climbing beans and runner beans
3. Prepare a runner bean trench
4. Sow maincrop peas, carrots and beetroot
5. Remove flower buds from rhubarb
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