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Gabrielle Ruel
7 летл. назад

Tips for growing irises

Plant iris bulbs in late summer for most regions. You’ll want to make sure your iris bulbs are 12″-18″ apart for optimum growth. They need plenty of room for their root systems to grow. Unlike other flower bulbs, irises don’t need much depth. You can easily plant these at just 4″-6″ of soil.

Plant in an area that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Irises love the sunshine but can tolerate some shade.

Irises require plenty sunshine, but they also need quality drainage. They are one flowering plant that does not need to be watered often. Make sure to use good soil and plant in an area that doesn’t have standing water.

Do not add mulch in your beds around irises. Mulch helps hold moisture and since irises don’t like excess moisture, this can keep them from blooming.

Divide iris bulbs routinely every three to four years and replant. The bulbs grow significantly and digging them up to divide and plant separately every few years makes them grow even better in the future. When your irises stop blooming after a few years, it’s a sign that they are in need of dividing.

After blooms have faded, remove the seed pods from the plant. This will help the nourishment to enrich the roots and help create stronger blooms in the future.

These tips for growing irises are a great place to begin for a novice gardener. The iris is an iconic flower known for the many variations of the species. No matter which color or variety you choose, irises are sure to be some of the most sought after flowers in your garden this year.
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