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Patricia Caldwell
7 летл. назад

Eastern white pine

Eastern White Pine Description

The Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) is a member of the white pine family, and ranges from Newfoundland in Canada, west to Minnesota and south to the northern parts of Georgia. Some Eastern White Pines have grown to be over 400 years old, but normally live for 200 - 250 years.

The needles of the Eastern White Pine grow in bundles of five and each are covered in a deciduous sheath. They are a bluish-green color, and grow to a maximum length of 4-5 inches. The needles last for approximately 18 months before falling off and regrowing.

The cones of the Eastern White Pine grow about 5 inches long and 1.5 inches wide when open. The cones distribute the seeds by wind, which are about 5 mm long. The cones reach their peaks every 4 or 5 years.
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