Dahlia is a daisy like flower and is related to both daisy and sunflower.
It is the national flower of Mexico.
Dahlia is believed to get its name from an 18th century Swedish Botanist, Anders Dahl.
“Dahl” sounds very much like ‘dal’ in Swedish meaning ‘valley’. Thus it is also called ‘valley flower’ sometimes.
Dahlias serve decorative purposes in cakes, tarts, pastries, salads and in garnishing of deserts.
Dahlias with large flowers usually have only 4-5 flowers per plant.
Dahlias come in a variety of colors and many hybrids create many beautiful colors.
They are very susceptible to viral and bacterial infections.
It is the national flower of Mexico.
Dahlia is believed to get its name from an 18th century Swedish Botanist, Anders Dahl.
“Dahl” sounds very much like ‘dal’ in Swedish meaning ‘valley’. Thus it is also called ‘valley flower’ sometimes.
Dahlias serve decorative purposes in cakes, tarts, pastries, salads and in garnishing of deserts.
Dahlias with large flowers usually have only 4-5 flowers per plant.
Dahlias come in a variety of colors and many hybrids create many beautiful colors.
They are very susceptible to viral and bacterial infections.