Step 1: Place a few rocks in the bottom of your bowl. Although the succulents don’t need to be watered often, it is important for drainage when you do need to.
Step 2: Add a small layer of soil to overtop of the rocks.
Step 3: Remove your succulents from their pots and loosely soften the roots. Figure out where you want your succulents to be placed and make a small hole in the dirt for them. Add another layer of soil overtop to cover the rest of the roots.
Step 4: Once all of your succulents are in the bowl where you want them and they have been covered with soil and a layer of gold rocks over top.
Step 5: I gave my succulents a bit of water as that is what the floral shop recommended. I also added a few crystals that were lying around the house to my garden for added interest., but you can add whatever you like!
Step 2: Add a small layer of soil to overtop of the rocks.
Step 3: Remove your succulents from their pots and loosely soften the roots. Figure out where you want your succulents to be placed and make a small hole in the dirt for them. Add another layer of soil overtop to cover the rest of the roots.
Step 4: Once all of your succulents are in the bowl where you want them and they have been covered with soil and a layer of gold rocks over top.
Step 5: I gave my succulents a bit of water as that is what the floral shop recommended. I also added a few crystals that were lying around the house to my garden for added interest., but you can add whatever you like!