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Samand Gilson
7 летл. назад

Burlap for plants: 15 practical burlap uses

1. Protect Plants in Winter
Burlap can be used to protect the plants in winter. It prevents the cold winds from drying and killing small shrubs. Screens and barriers can be made from burlap. However, it is also important to keep in mind that snow should be allowed to accumulate around hardy plants as it acts as an insulator around these plants and prevents them from freezing.
2. Protection for plants from rabbits and winter deer
Rabbits and deer are some of the common creatures that nibble away the bushes and fruits in winter. By building barricades with burlap, you can save your plants. The structure requires a 4-sided frame. The frame should be large enough in a way that the burlap does not touch the plants. Also, it should be tall enough so that the rabbits and the deer cannot cross it.
3. Providing Shade from the Sun
You need to protect your plants from the sun, especially the transplants in summer. Moreover, if you live in a climate where the sun is intense, burlap shading is a good idea. You can fix a frame over the plants with the burlap over it. This will ensure that your plants grow healthy even during the periods of harsh afternoon sunlight.
4. Burlap Weed Protection

Controlling weeds in the garden is one of the essential maintenance chores. Weeds are of course more robust compared to your garden plants. They put up intense competition for acquiring light, space, and nutrients. To prevent them, use burlap to cover up void spaces in the garden. You can also lay down newspaper beneath the burlap to prevent the growth of weeds.
5. Burlap Sack Dog Bed
This No Sew Burlap Sack Dog Bed is perfect for every pet owner looking for an inexpensive, washable bed for their furry friends.
6. Frost Covers
You can use burlaps to cover the plants at night. They will protect the plants from frost. However, once the sun comes up in the morning, make sure to remove them again.
7. Burlap Wrapped Vases and Planters
You can grow herbs, small indoor plants or keep cut flowers in mason jars, empty bottles, and pots of no use. But, without the decoration, these items may look dull, you can use burlap to wrap around these to make them look attractive.
8. Burlap Fabric Planter
This DIY burlap sack planter is so amazing that it looks rustic and awesome.
9. Burlap Topiary
Decorations like designer lamp posts, topiaries, cut outs, etc. can make your garden look more interesting and this DIY burlap topiary idea is a good one, too. You can keep it anywhere in your home or garden.
10. Burlap wreaths
This gorgeous burlap wreath is accented beautifully with beige peony flowers and artificial greenery.
Near your garden fence or on the boring walls of your garden or somewhere else, you can hang a burlap wreath like this.
11. Burlap Garden Mulch
If you’ve prepared the garden bed well for planting but require some time to start off the sowing of seeds and the actual gardening process. There are chances that weeds may grow during that period. To prevent this, it is better to cover the soil with burlap which will prevent the soil from getting degraded and the weeds to grow on it.
13. Moving or Disposing of Yard Debris
If you are into gardening, then you must know how yard’s waste piles up every time. It becomes difficult to move this off. Burlap can be used to rake in leaves and other clutter.
14. Burlap Birdbath
You can use burlap to design a bird bath. How much burlap you need depends on the size of your vases you choose.
15. Growing Potatoes in Burlap Bags
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